Jul 21, 2021, 12:00 – 3:00 AM
448 RSVPs
Embedded technology is the heart of RISC-V due to the flexible and adaptable architecture. In this event, expect to hear about code optimization, Embedded ABI (EABI), packed-simd, and fast interrupts. You will also hear about RISC-V embedded technologies in the automotive industry, medical equipment, communications, graphic cards, and in disk drives.
RISC-V Forums bring together the community with RISC-V experts for 3 hours of deep-dive presentations, hands-on learning, and networking with technical enthusiasts in the RISC-V ecosystem.
Three events, each on a specific topic. Join one, join them all, learn, expand your knowledge, and meet your colleagues in the RISC-V community!
View the schedule and visit the event website for additional information.
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