RISC-V Forum: Security

RISC-V Synergy (Forums, Technical Talks and Webinars)

Apr 14, 2021, 2:00 – 4:35 PM (UTC)

699 RSVPs

About this event

In 2021, RISC-V has many exciting things happening in the Security area. Two extensions will be ratified this year – Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) and Scalar Cryptography. At this event, we will cover the latest trends on Security, how people are using the tools in the RISC-V ecosystem, and how you can get involved and use the tools.

RISC-V Forums bring together the community with RISC-V experts for 3 hours of deep-dive presentations, hands-on learning, and networking with technical enthusiasts in the RISC-V ecosystem.

Three events, each on a specific topic. Join one, join them all, learn, expand your knowledge, and meet your colleagues in the RISC-V community!

Visit the event website for more information including how to submit to the CFP.



Wednesday, April 14, 2021
2:00 PM – 4:35 PM (UTC)


RISC-V Welcome - Kim McMahon, RISC-V International
RISC-V International Security Overview - Helena Handschuh, Rambus Inc.
On the Efficiency of RISC-V Cryptographic Instruction Set Extensions - Tolga Yalcin & Gorkem Nisanci, Northern Arizona University
Lightning Talk: Timesecbench: A Work in Progress Benchmark Suite to Assess Timing Leakages - Ronan Lashermes, INRIA
Trusted RV: Trusted Execution Environment, Secure Coprocessor, and their Programming - Kuniyasu Suzaki, AIST: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Lightning Talk: What in RISC-V IOPMP - Shan-Chyun Ku, Andes Technology
RISC-V Based Secure Flight Computer System - Dr. Shreekant Thakkar, Technology Innovation Institute
Lightning Talk: A Trusted OS for RISC-V ? OP-TEE is a Candidate - Marouene Boubakri, NXP
Using PMP, ePMP and Rust to Protect Embedded Kernels, Even from Themselves - Alistair Francis, Western Digital
Extending Security to Resource Constrained Devices - Kate Stewart, The Linux Foundation
Information Flow Confidentiality and Integrity on a Rocket RISC-V SoC - Gregory Sullivan, Dover Microsystems
OpenSBI Domain Support - Anup Patel, Western Digital Corporation

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