A monthly on-line meeting where we share news, ask questions, and show status updates on various projects
The Austin RISC-V Group regularly schedules a meeting for the second Tuesday of every month. This will be an on-line event. We'll be the RISC-V Bevy virtual meeting system, and this is the same as the event on the RISC-V Community site. This is a virtual event, hosted on the RISC-V Community Platform (Bevy) and you will need a login here to attend. Use of camera and microphone by participants is completely optional, chat both within Bevy and on Discord [https://discord.gg/EcYTCezTNX] will be monitored for questions. Even if you are not in/near Austin, you are welcome to attend!
1) Welcome/General Announcements
2) News & Other Announcements
3) Updates from the Hackathon
4) Presentation by Paul Sherman: Debugging within RISC-V Implementations
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